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Circus offers therapy for clown phobia
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"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" Trailer
I got all verklempt just watching this trailer! I'm going to be a basket case when it comes time to actually watch the final film!
Lacey Schwimmer Debuts Dance-Worthy New Single "Love Soundz"
Get ready to hit the floor with Lacey Schwimmer! The Dancing with the Stars pro has just released a new song that is sure to be pumping in the clubs this summer. Her first single “Love Soundz” will be on iTunes June 21st, but she premiered it to and you can take a listen to the track right here!
Stephen King returns to The Dark Tower
Horror author Stephen King is set to return to the world of his bestselling fantasy series, "The Dark Tower", in a new novel, titled "The Wind Through the Keyhole", out next year.
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HBO defends 'Game of Thrones' shocker [SPOILERS]
Spoiler alert from Sunday’s episode…
“The only reason we watched [Game of Thrones] was for Sean Bean,” groused EW reader Steve. “Way to go HBO, time to switch to Showtime.”
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“The only reason we watched [Game of Thrones] was for Sean Bean,” groused EW reader Steve. “Way to go HBO, time to switch to Showtime.”
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Heart's "Alone"
Yet another fantastic cover by Rachel, even if her kids do come in and make her giggle during the recording! This woman has got one powerful set of pipes!!!
Rachel has also created a Facebook Musician's page, where she will be cataloging her videos. Please be sure to "Like" her page, as well as add her as one of your favorite musicians on your Profile page.
Rachel has also created a Facebook Musician's page, where she will be cataloging her videos. Please be sure to "Like" her page, as well as add her as one of your favorite musicians on your Profile page.
Words with Friends
I just found out that Words with Friends is available for Android devices! My username is Belladonna.420 if anyone wants to play a game. Note the period between Belladonna and 420... Can you believe someone had the nerve to take my name?! How rude!!!